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5hrs $500 / person Big Apple Jazz Tours 5.2 miles 'Round Midnight with Amanda - 5hrs $500 / person Big Apple Jazz Tours 5.2 miles Private Italian Market Food Tour $409 / activity & up WeVenture Philadelphia 82 miles Private Best of Philadelphia Food Tour $409 / activity & up WeVenture Philadelphia 82 miles Private Philadelphia History, Highlights, & Revolution (Span $354 / activity & up WeVenture Philadelphia 81 miles Private South Philly Art Tour $344 / activity & up WeVenture Philadelphia 82 miles A Day in Amish Country $179 / activity & up WeVenture Philadelphia 82 miles Holiday Lights Driving Tour $150 / activity & up WeVenture Philadelphia 81 miles Legends of Jazz Tour - 4.5hrs $149 / person Big Apple Jazz Tours 5.2 miles Greenwich Village Jazz Crawl $130 / person Big Apple Jazz Tours 5.2 miles Valley Forge: American Revolution Tour $115 / activity & up WeVenture Philadelphia 82 miles Harlem Juke Joint Tour $99 / person Big Apple Jazz Tours 5.2 miles 72-Hour Ticket with Campos Lunch Package $94 / activity & up Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours 82 miles Three Day Hop-on Hop-off Tour with Campos Lunch Package $84 / activity & up Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours 82 miles 72-Hour Ticket $79 / activity & up Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours 82 miles 48-Hour Ticket with Campos Lunch $79 / activity & up Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours 82 miles Private Yoga Classes $75 / activity The Yoga Trail 3.5 miles $1,025 / activity & up Countryside Tour 81 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $1,025 / activity & up $995 / activity & up Holiday Lights Tour 82 miles away Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours $995 / activity & up $925 / activity & up Lancaster and Amish Tour 81 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $925 / activity & up $895 / activity & up Brandywine Valley Tour 81 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $895 / activity & up $675 / activity & up Valley Forge Tour 81 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $675 / activity & up $645 / activity & up City of Philadelphia Tour 81 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $645 / activity & up $645 / activity & up Rocky Movie Locations Tour 81 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $645 / activity & up $500 / person Private Tour - 5hrs 5.2 miles away Big Apple Jazz Tours $500 / person $500 / person 'Round Midnight with Amanda - 5hrs 5.2 miles away Big Apple Jazz Tours $500 / person $409 / activity & up Private Italian Market Food Tour 82 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $409 / activity & up $409 / activity & up Private Best of Philadelphia Food Tour 82 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $409 / activity & up $354 / activity & up Private Philadelphia History, Highlights, & Revolution (Span 81 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $354 / activity & up $344 / activity & up Private South Philly Art Tour 82 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $344 / activity & up $179 / activity & up A Day in Amish Country 82 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $179 / activity & up $150 / activity & up Holiday Lights Driving Tour 81 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $150 / activity & up $149 / person Legends of Jazz Tour - 4.5hrs 5.2 miles away Big Apple Jazz Tours $149 / person $130 / person Greenwich Village Jazz Crawl 5.2 miles away Big Apple Jazz Tours $130 / person $115 / activity & up Valley Forge: American Revolution Tour 82 miles away WeVenture Philadelphia $115 / activity & up $99 / person Harlem Juke Joint Tour 5.2 miles away Big Apple Jazz Tours $99 / person $94 / activity & up 72-Hour Ticket with Campos Lunch Package 82 miles away Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours $94 / activity & up $84 / activity & up Three Day Hop-on Hop-off Tour with Campos Lunch Package 82 miles away Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours $84 / activity & up $79 / activity & up 72-Hour Ticket 82 miles away Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours $79 / activity & up $79 / activity & up 48-Hour Ticket with Campos Lunch 82 miles away Philadelphia Sightseeing Tours $79 / activity & up $75 / activity Private Yoga Classes 3.5 miles away The Yoga Trail $75 / activity Displaying listings 1 - 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