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History - Private $699 / person & up Babylon Tours New York City 1.6 miles Private Talk The World Trade Center Complex $600 / activity Kitt Garrett New York Sites & Insights 1.2 miles Private Boat Tour - 1.5hrs $499 / activity & up New York Media Boat / Adventure Sightseeing Tours 2.0 miles Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island-Private Tour - 3hrs $469 / person & up Babylon Tours New York City 1.6 miles Metropolitan Museum of Art Skip-the-Line Guided Tour-Private $359 / person & up Babylon Tours New York City 1.6 miles American Museum of Natural History Guided Tour - Private $359 / person & up Babylon Tours New York City 1.6 miles VIP Manhattan Helicopter Tour 25-30mins $349 / activity & up Zip Aviation 2.4 miles Grand Island Helicopter Tour 25-30 mins $349 / activity & up Zip Aviation 2.4 miles Midtown Manhattan Walking Tour - Private - 2-2.5hrs $329 / person & up Babylon Tours New York City 1.6 miles Central Park Walking Tour - Private - 2-2.5hrs $329 / person & up Babylon Tours New York City 1.6 miles Lower Manhattan & Ground 0 Walking Tour - Private- 2-2.5hrs $329 / person & up Babylon Tours New York City 1.6 miles Private SUV Tour $300 / activity Uncle Sam's New York Tours 2.0 miles Christmas Carriage Ride | All Ages | 40 minutes $300 / activity NYC Adventures 2.4 miles Deluxe Manhattan Helicopter Tour- 18-20 mins $289 / activity & up Zip Aviation 2.4 miles Big City Helicopter Tour 18-20 mins $289 / activity & up Zip Aviation 2.4 miles Broadway Behind the Scenes(Private) - 2hrs $288 / activity & up WeVenture NYC 1.6 miles Highline & Chelsea Market Tour- 2hrs $275 / activity & up WeVenture NYC 1.6 miles Lower East Side Experience- 2hrs $275 / activity & up WeVenture NYC 1.6 miles Highlights of Harlem Tour - 2hrs $249 / activity & up New York Historical Tours 1.6 miles Alexander Hamilton and the Founding Fathers- 2hrs $249 / activity & up New York Historical Tours 1.6 miles The Roaring 20's Tour: Swing, Style and Social Revolut- 2hrs $249 / activity & up New York Historical Tours 1.6 miles Christmas in New York: The Holiday Tour- 2hrs $249 / activity & up New York Historical Tours 1.6 miles $1,200 / activity Private Full-Day City Highlights Experience 1.2 miles away Kitt Garrett New York Sites & Insights $1,200 / activity $699 / person & up Metropolitan Museum of Art+Central Park Tour - Private 5.5hr 1.6 miles away Babylon Tours New York City $699 / person & up $699 / person & up Meto Mus. of Art&American Mus. of Nat. History - Private 1.6 miles away Babylon Tours New York City $699 / person & up $600 / activity Private Talk The World Trade Center Complex 1.2 miles away Kitt Garrett New York Sites & Insights $600 / activity $499 / activity & up Private Boat Tour - 1.5hrs 2.0 miles away New York Media Boat / Adventure Sightseeing Tours $499 / activity & up $469 / person & up Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island-Private Tour - 3hrs 1.6 miles away Babylon Tours New York City $469 / person & up $359 / person & up Metropolitan Museum of Art Skip-the-Line Guided Tour-Private 1.6 miles away Babylon Tours New York City $359 / person & up $359 / person & up American Museum of Natural History Guided Tour - Private 1.6 miles away Babylon Tours New York City $359 / person & up $349 / activity & up VIP Manhattan Helicopter Tour 25-30mins 2.4 miles away Zip Aviation $349 / activity & up $349 / activity & up Grand Island Helicopter Tour 25-30 mins 2.4 miles away Zip Aviation $349 / activity & up $329 / person & up Midtown Manhattan Walking Tour - Private - 2-2.5hrs 1.6 miles away Babylon Tours New York City $329 / person & up $329 / person & up Central Park Walking Tour - Private - 2-2.5hrs 1.6 miles away Babylon Tours New York City $329 / person & up $329 / person & up Lower Manhattan & Ground 0 Walking Tour - Private- 2-2.5hrs 1.6 miles away Babylon Tours New York City $329 / person & up $300 / activity Private SUV Tour 2.0 miles away Uncle Sam's New York Tours $300 / activity $300 / activity Christmas Carriage Ride | All Ages | 40 minutes 2.4 miles away NYC Adventures $300 / activity $289 / activity & up Deluxe Manhattan Helicopter Tour- 18-20 mins 2.4 miles away Zip Aviation $289 / activity & up $289 / activity & up Big City Helicopter Tour 18-20 mins 2.4 miles away Zip Aviation $289 / activity & up $288 / activity & up Broadway Behind the Scenes(Private) - 2hrs 1.6 miles away WeVenture NYC $288 / activity & up $275 / activity & up Highline & Chelsea Market Tour- 2hrs 1.6 miles away WeVenture NYC $275 / activity & up $275 / activity & up Lower East Side Experience- 2hrs 1.6 miles away WeVenture NYC $275 / activity & up $249 / activity & up Highlights of Harlem Tour - 2hrs 1.6 miles away New York Historical Tours $249 / activity & up $249 / activity & up Alexander Hamilton and the Founding Fathers- 2hrs 1.6 miles away New York Historical Tours $249 / activity & up $249 / activity & up The Roaring 20's Tour: Swing, Style and Social Revolut- 2hrs 1.6 miles away New York Historical Tours $249 / activity & up $249 / activity & up Christmas in New York: The Holiday Tour- 2hrs 1.6 miles away New York Historical Tours $249 / activity & up Displaying listings 1 - 24 of 110 in total ← Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next →