Paddle Board Winter Park Chain Of Lakes - 1.5 hours

Paddleboard the Scenic Winter Park Chain of Lakes
Must be 13 and older to paddle your own board. Younger children ride on their parents board for free. If a child is riding on your board please add their weight to yours when registering
1.5 Hours
• About 2.2 miles
• 2- sit down breaks, beginner and first timer friendly.
Location. Location. Location. Launching from Historic Dinky Dock Park. An amazing paddle location with easy safe access on and off the water with a gently sloped sandy shaded beach. Picnic area, free parking, clean well kept bathrooms, a designated swimming area are amenities all available if you want to stick around after the paddle. The on water views include lush modern urban landscaped yards and homes connected by an array of historic old logging canals linking the 5 lake chain. The lakes are some of the cleanest in central Florida and ideal for swimming. Generations of residents have learned how to swim at dinky dock beach. The city of winter park has a full time lakes division crew that does an amazing job of keeping the winter park lakes pristine for recreational use. Ideal for locals or visitors alike.
This Tour: No experience necessary, all gear, instructions and guides included. We paddle at a walking pace with a 1:5 ratio of guides to paddlers, nobody gets left alone or behind, ever. We love this tour because it's an amazing feeling to share the stoke of someone who just realized how AWESOME SUP is. This is a great way to find out about and get a taste of stand up paddle boarding in a safe fun environment!
Us: We specialize in teaching folks the basics of stand up paddle boarding. We offer seasonal tours in various locations in central Florida and abroad. With our 12 years of teaching experience and our specialized custom equipment, we make learning how to SUP fun and enjoyable. Our guides are certified SUP instructors, we are permitted for tours by the city of winter park, requiring license and insurance.
This Tour: You'll be sized for a board and paddle upon arrival and check in. We'll start with a overview lesson on the basics of proper stroke technique utilizing your core muscles as your driver as opposed to just paddling with your arms. After a short demonstration, certified experienced SUP instructors will load the paddlers one by one onto a properly sized board. Once everyone is up, we'll move as a group along the shoreline making our way to our first canal and second lake. After about 15-20 mins of paddling, we'll take a sit down break and give our feet a rest. During this time the instructors will demonstrate additional turning and board handling techniques. Making our way around the lake, we'll stop once more to make sure we have a picture of everybody on their board or with their group. Don't worry, if you come by yourself you are bound to have new friends by the end of the tour! Returning to dinky dock we'll exchange (air) hugs and (air) high fives.

What to Bring:
• Change of clothes and towel, just in case.
• Sunscreen
• Hat and glasses if you wish, bring a safety string for your glasses if you value them.
• Great attitude
Leave your valuables at home, we are happy to secure your car keys in our key bag while you are on the water. Photos are posted online later in the day and are available for free by downloading.

(407) 960-7815

Activity Types:
Tours & Guides
Classes & Lessons
Duration: 1.5hrs
Listing created Mar 18, 2022

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