A Day at Middleton Place - 4 Hours and 45 Minutes

Book Exclusive Charleston Tours with the Best Guides!

4 hours and 45 Minutes

History comes alive at America’s oldest landscaped Gardens. Visit the House Museum, Plantation Stableyards, and Eliza’s House, a freedman’s dwelling. Your tour includes a delicious Low Country meal.

What to do before or after:
If you'd like a full day of history and touring, check out our "Secrets of the Edmondston-Alston House Walking Tour."

This tour runs in the morning and afternoon, making it a fun, easy add-on to your experience. That tour is a 1-hour walking tour south of Broad St. that includes VIP access to the Edmondston-Alston House.

Pineapple Tour Group
1 877-553-1670


Activity Types:
Tours & Guides
Classes & Lessons
Duration: 4 Hours and 45 Minutes
Available Days/Times (e.g. Weekends only): Monday to Saturday
Listing created Nov 9, 2021

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